After awhile I really got bored playing online games, and for now I'll have to say goodbye to Zu Online, prolly Granado Espada too(hope not
). I haven't play the game this past days now (I'm really sorry Carra, hope you won't get mad to me for leaving you alone
). I really hope I'll find a new mmorpg worth playing soon.
Anyways this past days, since I don't play MMO now, I decided to play Crysis. At first I thought it will not run on my rig but what a shock it did. Don't ask what were my settings...sorry I got no screenies, guess I enjoyed playing it too much and forgot to take some XD. Well, I finished it like uhmmm, 2 days? Lol I hardcore played it 'cause it was really good. The story, the gameplay and don't forget the graphics, even not on max, are all great. Well the ending was a cliffhanger, what a let down thinking I won't be able to play Crysis 2. Hope it's not that demanding or else...or else...guess I'll have to buy a new rig
. Say hello to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare! After playing and beating Crysis, now I'm playing COD4. Graphics are not as good as Crysis but still look nice and the opening video was like "WTF!" it was like a movie trailer. This time I didn't forget to take screenshots and I took alot. All are from earlier part of the game 'cause I just started playing it awhile ago.
Why his cigar don't get wet?
Hello guys!
Sweet dreams...I...err my teammate killed them while sleeping
" Me" getting a rifle butt on my face
"Me" with some guys...actually this "me" is a President of some middle east country
Damn, killing their own countrymen?
"ME" getting boot to the face...
I guess he's the leader
*SIGH* Guess its the end of the line for "me"
FUCK! Now it's "me" getting killed on national T.V.
"Follow me"
I see something...*shoots*...damn just a shadow
Sgt. Kamarov , he'll be helping us on this mission
A quote from famous personalities. You'll see this and other quotes if you get killed quite often.
OK that's all of it...'till next time...ME signing out