Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Because of school I got no time playing online games anymore. Well not really that I don't have, let's say I got a little time. But playing for a short time don't satisfy me. Don't misunderstand me, I still got a life cry5. Well before school started I decided to buy a PSP, I don't know why I really want to buy one, It just went into my mind that I want one. Maybe it's because I wanted to play video games in school when I'm boredbrd1? Or is it because my friends got one? Not sure :P. Anyways I got my PSP a couple of days ago, still I don't know the reason why I bought one lol. At first when I got my PSP, the WiFi is broken and I didn't know until I tried to connect to my friend's PSP. So I went back to the store where I bought it and have it replaced.

For some reason there
are a lot of games to choose from but I'm only playing one game, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. Maybe I still don't want to play other games because of the lack of time or maybe I'm just too addicted to it lol. But browsing from the PSP games that I could play, nothing really seems to attract me. Maybe when I'm not busy in school anymore I'll play my two favorite PSX games(luckily this games are in PSP too, Tales of Eternia and Valkyrie Profile)...again. Yeah again, beaten those games many times before lol and I'm still not getting bored of playing it again.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Accident do happen

So ok, I've downloaded a game(don't ask what it is XD1) and it took me like 2-3 days to finish 'cause it's like 6gb. After I have unrar it, I decided to delete the rar files because I won't be needing it anymore and I only need those mount files, and I accidentally deleted all the files...permanently cry4. Err not all, some are still in recycle bin and not deleted. And no, I can't do system restore because I disabled it on that drive. Luckily not all files are deleted, I have restored it and started the download again (Yes, it's a torrent), but still I need to wait another day or two.

Anyways I'm here again, bored, got nothing to do, so I decided to update my blog and share what I'm doing when I'm not playing Online games and waiting for my downloads or when I don't really have something to do. Presenting you Kawaks, an arcade emulator that emulates Neogeo, Cps1 and Cps2 games. I can't put on the link of the roms, but it's not hard to find. Anyways, first on the line

King of Fighters 2002

No real tokens are needed

Kyo and Iori


K' doing a special move

Yeah, winning pose!

Marvel vs Capcom

Let's go crazy! (Echoes XD1)

Spider Man and Wolverine, they ROCK! thmb1

Aerial Combo

OK I lost...


Why not a fight between KOF and Capcom?

HEY! It's Zero!

Bored of Evil Ryu or Akuma? Why not try Violent Ken?

You can't grab me!

2 Special moves connected, total of 27 hits XD1

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Zu Online

I was surfing the net a week ago when I saw this game, an ad was in *insert website* 1 I forgot the site, anyways its just an ad. So I did look in the site if its good, when I got in to their website I was like "WTH! Where are the screenshots?". Then I look at youtube for vids. I got fascinated of the game, that's why I downloaded it. And here are some screenies...

WOW A MASCOT! ERR What's it for?

Choosing a faction

Character creation, WOO! scary lol2

The city...err part of the city, it's quite big and its floating!

Emoticons in-game and a merchant npc, not sure lol, but he's lv 100.

I really don't know what's the mascot for but I'll definitely know after I play more. And also while creating a character you have to choose your nationality and it's quite unique 'cause in-game you have a country chat channel which can be used and seen only by other people in that specific country. The game is different and cool, but I read it's some grind and quest type of mmorpg, I don't care what they said though because they compared it with WOW (why do they always use it as a basis for mmorpg?). The maps in game are quite big and you can fly(WHOA! FLYFF?) using your sword, and some air and land mount pets, can't wait for that. And it's easy to gain lv cause 220 is the cap swt2.


Hi! Welcome to my blog, sorry for the poor layout I'll fix it later.